This webinar has been organised by 3:nine Consulting on behalf of the Alliance for Heart Failure. Astrazeneca, Medtronic, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk have provided sponsorship to 3:nine Consulting to cover the costs of developing and running the webinar. Astrazeneca, Medtronic, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk have had no influence over the meeting agenda or arrangements.
If you’re a healthcare professional in primary care, it’s likely you come into contact with an existing, or undetected case, of heart failure on a daily basis.
The NHS is facing unprecedented pressure when it comes to dealing with the growing burden of this condition. There are over a million cases of diagnosed heart failure, and by 2040, cases are predicted to grow by 92%, making it one of the fastest growing major conditions in the country.[1]
- How to diagnose a heart failure case using an NT-proBNP test and place the patient on the NICE-recommended pathway
- How to work with heart failure specialists in secondary care to diagnose and manage the condition in the community
- How to use the latest clinical evidence and guidelines
To support primary care professionals, the Alliance for Heart Failure is bringing together leading experts to deliver a special webinar aimed at helping them enhance heart failure care in their communities.
There is enormous potential in primary care to improve diagnosis and better manage the condition and make an enormous difference to the lives of heart failure patients across the country.
- 80% of heart failure cases in England are diagnosed in hospital, despite 40% of patients having symptoms that could have triggered an earlier assessment in primary care.[2]
- Patients diagnosed by a GP are more than twice as likely to be on the NICE-recommended pathway.[3]
- NT-proBNP testing in primary care can reduce referrals by 50% if appropriate pathways are in place.[4]
National Clinical Director for Heart Disease, NHS England

CEO of Pumping Marvellous

Advanced Nurse Practitioner

GP & past President at Primary Care Cardiovascular Society

Co-chair, Alliance for Heart Failure

Community Pharmacist, Bridlington and PCN Lead Pharmacist

Heart Failure Specialist Pharmacist, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

Cardiovascular lead, Nene CCG, Primary Care Cardiovascular lead, East Midlands Clinical Network

This webinar has been organised by 3:nine Consulting on behalf of the Alliance for Heart Failure. Astrazeneca, Medtronic, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk have provided sponsorship to 3:nine Consulting to cover the costs of developing and running the webinar. Astrazeneca, Medtronic, Novartis, and Novo Nordisk have had no influence over the meeting agenda or arrangements.

The Alliance for Heart Failure is a coalition of charities, patient groups, professional bodies and corporate members for the purpose of raising the profile of heart failure in Government, the NHS and the media.
The Alliance for Heart Failure is supported and funded by AstraZeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim Limited, Medtronic Limited, Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Ltd, and Roche Diagnostics Ltd.
[1] Health in 2040, projected patterns of illness, Toby Watt, Ann Raymond, Laurie Rachet-Jacquet, Anna Head, Chris Kypridemos, Elaine Kelly, Anita, The Health Foundation (2023) Charlesworth
[2] Conrad N., Judge A., Canoy D., Tran J., O’Donnell J., Nazarzadeh M., et al. Diagnostic tests, drug prescriptions, and follow-up patterns after incident heart failure: A cohort study of 93,000 UK patients. PLOS Medicine. 2019;16
[3] Bottle A, et al, Routes to diagnosis of heart failure: observational study using linked data in England. Heart 2018;104:600–605. doi:10.1136/ heartjnl-2017-312183
[4] Commissioning Toolkit for use of natriuretic peptide assessment for suspected heart failure in primary care, NICE, 2011.