As the Covid-19 response continues to be mapped out, the Health and Social Care Committee will be holding an ongoing inquiry into the planning and delivery of other essential NHS and care services during the pandemic and beyond.

The Inquiry aims to give focus to upcoming strategic challenges, and give those working in the NHS and care sectors an opportunity to set out what help they will need from Government in meeting them. The Inquiry will consider the current situation but also take a forward look over the next six months.

The Alliance for Heart Failure responded to the call for evidence and submitted its response on the 8th of May 2020.

The response outlines recommendations designed to ensure heart failure services respond to the increased demand that is anticipated after the pandemic, both from delayed services and additional cases. They also aim to ‘lock in’ the beneficial changes from the pandemic response in order to implement future improvements to services for the benefit of both patients and the NHS.

View the Alliance for Heart Failure’s response here.

May 2020